
Linda with power leads to incompetency. Linda resenting other people's power over her leads to hilarity. I prefer more hilarity in my Linda.

I actually felt the opposite way, but I dislike plots where Linda has too much power, as I feel like she gets too grating and control-freaky too quickly. She's much better when she's reacting to someone else having (and abusing) control over her, like in the mother-daughter episode.

This is the first time in over a season that I've actually wanted to hear a song from Glee, and liked he performance as much as an original performance. That was amazing. Well done, Jayma Mays. Your terrible, terrible arcs have almost been worth it just for this.

@Dikachu:disqus I stand corrected! Thanks for the clarification.

@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus Would it absolutely blow your mind to find out that we didn't get out of Cambodia until 1975, a full year after Nixon resigned?

Yeah, but fucking gerrymandered redistricting means Steve Stockman actually represents part of Houston.

@avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus No…no, Obama isn't to the right of Reagan. Reagan himself is further to the left than the Saint Reagan of the Right that we hear about, but not by much. Reagan did do things like raise taxes, he did so only because he had hugely Democratic majorities in Congress. Reagan

Disagree. Nixon actually watered down the EPA from what it had been envisioned as, and staffed it with people who wouldn't give a shit about the environment. It was basically him creating it to make sure actually environmentalists couldn't do it.

That Frank!

That Frank!

Worst experience with my family: seeing Equus on Broadway. This was my Chanukah present, and I couldn't have afforded it otherwise, but…it is _awkward_ seeing Harry Potter naked, and knowing your parents are looking, too.

Worst experience with my family: seeing Equus on Broadway. This was my Chanukah present, and I couldn't have afforded it otherwise, but…it is _awkward_ seeing Harry Potter naked, and knowing your parents are looking, too.

The only thing I remembered about "Life Support" was that Jake's date was Lisa Turtle, so…that says a lot about how I felt about Bareil.

The only thing I remembered about "Life Support" was that Jake's date was Lisa Turtle, so…that says a lot about how I felt about Bareil.

You have my sword!

You have my sword!

I remember that, but it was more of a fuck-off to the network, I think — Sorkin blamed the network for not giving Rob a development deal for movies or something like that, which meant Rob walked to do…Lyon's Den. Which meant he had blond hair?

I remember that, but it was more of a fuck-off to the network, I think — Sorkin blamed the network for not giving Rob a development deal for movies or something like that, which meant Rob walked to do…Lyon's Den. Which meant he had blond hair?

Wasn't that more 1998?