This is the first time I was happy to see Roz. (I'm a bitch.)
This is the first time I was happy to see Roz. (I'm a bitch.)
This is the first time I was happy to see Roz. (I'm a bitch.)
I totally screamed, "Mako, SHUT UP" when that happened.
I totally screamed, "Mako, SHUT UP" when that happened.
Six seasons and a movie!
Six seasons and a movie!
She's mentioned that her mother's a gynecologist, so it's something that she's familiar enough with that she can use it as a basis. Just like how I use my mom working at a methadone clinic to inform my understanding of Breaking Bad.
He started out as Joffrey's personal bodyguard, as he'd taken service with House Lannister to get away from his brother, so apparently Tywin assigned him to Joffrey's person. He's called the Hound because his house flag has three dogs on it (hence why Joffrey calls him "my dog"), and because he decided to make his…
My mother-in-law summed up my feelings about Jon the best: "He has a stupid face."
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus , I disagree that the way the TV show adapts things necessarily shuts out avenues of speculation for the books. They can hit the same beats as the book (Jon's parentage, Bran's spirit quest in the North) in a different way without taking away from the books' plot. If…
I'd only seen Bledel in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants until now.
Tyrion: "that's what the money is for!"
@avclub-fe401f7f1b2e5a82e7046b1a07488673:disqus @avclub-68c81a145181a6b3092221895a3fd1a9:disqus Maybe I was cringing too hard and missed the dialogue that confirmed that, but as far as I could tell, there was no resolution: Mako didn't tell Asami about the kiss, or confirm to her that he's committed, Korra hasn't…
In some ways, I really would have preferred Mako to remain an enigma that we could project our insecurities onto, rather than a total douchemonster.
I would have preferred Bolin/Korra until this episode — now I feel like all of the ships have been thoroughly sunk, and Korra doesn't deserve as sweet and funny and adorable of a guy as Bolin. (That my husband is a near-perfect match for Bolin might be influencing me just a tad.)
The only time I've seen Mormons actually on the prowl for converts, it was two very very white dudes in suits getting off the bus in the Chicago neighborhood of Engelwood — an all-black, very economically depressed neighborhood with one of the highest crime rates in the country. will hook you up sometime around 6 or 7 AM.
I've never seen an L&O episode, either. I was mentally hunting for references from NCIS and The Wire.
Elope, then throw a party. The only people who will show up are the people you actually like having around.
My favorite part about the love triangle, at least in the first book, is that Katniss doesn't care about the romance, and has no idea if Peeta is faking it or not until the very end. In so far as I'm Team Peeta, I just want Peeta to be happy, as he's genuinely one of the only selfless people in the book series, and…