We didn't notice the 313 on the poster but died laughing at the "Mackinac Bridge." It was too good.
We didn't notice the 313 on the poster but died laughing at the "Mackinac Bridge." It was too good.
Don't you talk that way about Gavin Rossdale!
I could not have said it better myself.
Those people should be tarred and feathered. I never really liked Johnny Cash until he covered that song… then I hated him. You say "crown of shit" or you don't cover the damn song!
I KNEW IT. John Sears, you asshole!
That story made me really happy. Thanks!
I saw him live on this tour. The dunking vegetables bit made me laugh so hard I cried.
I've listened to them. Both when I was a teenager in the 90s and later in life, when I married a huge Nirvana fan. I truly enjoy one song, which isn't even theirs… "In the Pines." I will admit that I have a knee jerk reaction to Cobain, and I never liked him. But also, as an adolescent, I believed there were arbitrary…
I'm sorry but I hate Nirvana. I grew on up grunge but never liked them. We do exist.
3) I disagree, but I live in Michigan where Meijer is headquartered. They treat their employees very well (from what I've heard) and I like keeping my money in Michigan.
I didn't think he was dull at all. I loved Matthew. But I also love Mary when most people find her an insufferable bitch.
When did prosthetic ass come into the conversation? That wasn't in any of the interviews I read. (Why do I care??)
I'm not judging, just have no interest and mild disgust when I think about it happening personally.
Allison Williams has detailed it in interviews this week. It involved spanx with cutouts and thongs. Ugh.
I'm still pretty pissed he left. Eff you, Dan Stevens.
That's because Daisy is an insecure nitwit and I want to change the channel whenever she talks.
WOW. This was an eye opener. As a swimmer myself (childhood through college) I had never heard anything along these lines.
I'm only 31 and nothing has made me feel so old as someone saying SBTB must have aired "before they were born." Hahaha.
WHAT. I find that impossible. Unless you're not American, then I guess it's plausible you don't know the national treasure that is Zach Morris.
Don't bring Megatron into this!