Blah Blah Blah

Ed Norton's Owen was adorable. I could watch that parody over and over again. It was magical.

I logged in just to tell you to get out of my brain. It doesn't help that I'm in my 30s AND a married woman so I also deal with the very invasive questions about impending motherhood. I get you mean well, co-worker, but as Patton Oswalt said, I'm having an invisible baby named "ten hours sleep a night." Middle name:

Dang… I was thinking the same thing.

That's what you get from the video? You may need to take a nap, drink some cool water, and chill out. I'm not at all a Taylor Swift fan but I thought the video was cute. She's spotlighting talented people but also saying, "it's okay to just have fun and not be an expert, don't worry about people trying to tease you or

I just finished Magician's Land last night. SO GOOD.

I'm an SNL apologist and love Kristen Wiig but cannot stand the Gilly sketch. It's the worst.

Which one? I'm home now, I can cry some more Winchester tears.

That's a bummer. Just be thankful a Skeksi didn't scar you for life!

I don't even mind the overuse of those words, since they seem to balance it out with words like "dickbag" or "assbutt."

Remember watching it when? As a kid or an adult? As a kid who's father made it his mission to constantly scare you, so you wouldn't be scared of things? Yeah, that's me.

I think that's the feeling I have. It was so intriguing, and I've watched it multiple times, but FAAAAAACK… how is that a kid's movie?!

I cringe every time I'm reminded of that movie. It came THIS CLOSE to ruining my childhood.

The writers started it?! Okay, that's funny.

Did I miss where the comparison first came from? I don't understand why anyone would make that comment in the first place. I don't see any similarities. But I also never saw the show's "treatment of women" as any problem so I must be very unobservant. (I'm a woman FWIW.)

It's funnier in Enochian.

Thanks for making me cry AGAIN, at work. When I hear the music swell in the background, I started to lose it. Dean saying, "I'm proud of us," was almost too much for me. Dean forever!

I still can't believe that people actually find him physically attractive. Although he does do a hilarious Alan Rickman.

Not funny woman is not funny.

I can see your point. Bitch doesn't bother me, because well, them female monsters are bitches!

Perfect thoughts are perfect.