
Kinda reminds me of when the Watchmen movie came out and Hot Topic had a bunch of merchandise for sale… even though I'm sure most of their shoppers had no idea what Watchmen was at the time. And yes…I've visited a Hot Topic before.

Damn that Grreen Lantern movie. DC/WB really screwed up a golden opportunity for a great film franchise. The biggest mistake is that they treated it as a typical superhero flick when it deserved to be treated as a sci-fi/space opera. Geoff Johns made up a bunch of great stuff that went neglected in the film.

You'll never be a concert flutist.

I enjoyed the send up of the TED talk. Makes you see the masterbatury nature of those talks. Did I spell that right?

I just realized something. The title of the Kweli/Madlib album is LIBeration.

That's a good description. I'm pretty sure Pharell would agree.

Am I the only one excited about this? Jim Gordon and the GCPD have always been interesting to me. I think it's the join and Gothic influences.

I just called them LEGO guys.

God hates figs?

Why not both?

Purple monkey dishwasher

I have not seen an episode of Community since the season three finale, but I am disappointed in the way Pierce was written off. I thought a more fitting ending would be if they simply replaced Pierce with another actor and have Abed notice this and start questioning reality. Not sure where they would go from there

First those bastards tell me I can't have my McGangbang at 8 in the morning and now this! Where's my pitchfork?

They'll make your dreams come true!