I Am the Eye

I have to admit that I never really cared for side one of Lodger. Side two, though, is pretty much worn out.

Safe Bowie was the worst Bowie.

It shouldn't be, but I think it is for a lot of people that think "Modern Love" was one of his best.

One of his best. Damn, I love that song.

"John" is so good.

I was all ready to get pissed that "Look Back in Anger" was overlooked.

I can't believe it's 2015 and I'm listening to a new Bowie album that is one of his best.

I don't think I'll ever be able to hear this album out of context. It raises the album from the fantastic to the sublime.

Holy crap, Blackstar is a fantastic album. I can't remember the last time I thought that about Bowie. What a fitting, beautiful end to his career.

Is Tark still the Shark?

I don't know what it means, but now I'm thinking I've wasted my life.

Kids are fucking horrible.

We certainly had more and better drugs in high school.

The darn thing has wings!

I've told this story before, but I was at a comedy club in the late '80s and Pauly Shore complimented my Chuck Taylors.


You could have been killed over twice as much for the jacket!

Listen, you whipper-snapper…I remember the day Fox launched its prime-time programming with Married and The Tracy Ullman Show.

Also, Cracker's shed.

I never really understood the hate for the Seinfeld finale. It may not have ended on its highest note, but I laughed more than once.