I Am the Eye

I have to admit that I did not expect Sawyer to become a lumberjack.

Well, I guess I won't be seeing Killing Joke in a couple of weeks then. Bummer.

Trying to decide if I want to go see Killing Joke in a couple of weeks. They were pretty good the last time I saw them, which was ages ago.

Amy Acker and George Grenville?

"We're trying to avoid revealing something that we will reveal in the next several words."

He owned that car for four years! He named it Brad!

I want to respond with something clever, but I can't even.

I tried to improve The Phantom Menace by replacing the entire movie with the IMDB synopsis, but even the crawl gets bored and tunes out.

Just because I can't stand this kind of crap doesn't mean I'm not interested.

Fame and ego are things too.

I never did find all the popes in the pizza.

I read it as ISO 1888 and wondered what it had to do with the longitudinal-profile and transverse-section methods for determining the average diameter of staple fibres or filaments in a textile glass product.

Trapper Keeper > Trapper John M.D.

Maybe they are extremely profitable elsewhere and are just using these as write-offs.

"Do you expect me to talk?"

Screw that, I'm going to be sexying until they put me and my liver spots in the cold damp ground.

I would have guessed "death powder," "death sticks," and "death liquid."

Like the Washington Times, which should not be confused with the Washington Post.

Yep. Four million of one billion is about zero percent if you round down.

So much worse.