I Am the Eye

I'm totally stealing this line.

That was one of the least insightful things I've ever read.

Don't worry, there will be lots of parents there.

It's worse. The only people I know that go are a bunch of stock traders from my work.

The Force is much stronger ever since they legalized medical midichlorians.

The 3D scaling felt really off in that scene, it kind of pulled me out of the moment.

I was relieved that the crawl was easy to follow, and that would have been an improvement while keeping everything fairly simple.

I'd be wanting a DNA test if I was Han. Dude looks nothing like him, or Leia for that matter.

Still don't understand how Poe is a "character." Man, he was totally forgettable and completely outshined by the other newbies.

Precious little of that, I thought. Walking away, the most I really remembered about him was, "oh yeah, he was in that."

I finally(?) saw it yesterday, and yeah, it has some problems, but it's a fun ride. Most fun i've had at a Star Wars since the Empire struck back.

Also known as "Now Streaming."

I'm glad someone understands the gravity of the situation.

Fun fact - the New Jersey plan proposed at the Constitutional Convention had a multi-person Federal Executive. It could have been a thing.

American Sniper was pretty shit in a lot of ways.

We used to write "have a bitchen' summer" in people's yearbooks, but your version seems more appropriate now.

It's me, isn't it! I know you're talking about me.

Yeah, that's him. Loved that scene.

Yeah, I think it has a pretty good chance, actually. I'm surprised by how many of my co-workers have already seen it or have tickets to see it in the next week.

They were responsible for one of my favorite bits from Modern Family, so there's always that.