I Am the Eye

Hey, I just watched this last night. I think that "For a Few Dollars More" is the best of the trilogy…blasphemy, I know.

They've turned this show into exactly what I feared it would be.

Steven Ogg is an eight-fingered bounty hunter from the 24th century, Natalie Dormer is a Victorian chambermaid. They each happen to stumble upon a mystical, time-traveling portal.

I'm not really a fan of rockabilly or Christmas, but my wife and I saw the show a few years ago and it was great. He's a fantastic showman.

hmmmm….in 3-D, you say? I'm in.

I only read the Sunday comics, and even that's just for Pearls. Get Fuzzy is pretty much the same joke every week.

I'm not going to contribute money, but I'll send them a couple of my self-produced rap albums.

Oh god, Mallard Fillmore is a particularly foul abomination. Yeah, I'd take that over Frazz, too.

My newspaper dropped it years ago, and now I'm kind of pissed. I'd happily take these recent strips over Get Fuzzy or Frazz.

All the time I've been reading this, I've had "Pour Some Sugar on Me" going through my head, and if there is appreciable difference I've never been able to tell.

They could really benefit from a break at this point. I think they both need some fresher perspective.

I liked 'Midnight in Paris,' but mostly because Paris itself was the star, like Tokyo in 'Lost in Translation.'

I got "Dirty Grandpa" mixed up with "Bad Grandpa" in my mind and thought, man, you better not mess with a classic.

Disqus is raping my prequel bashing.

Another moment of greatness from the original movie. I can't imagine how that scene would be handled if it was in the prequels…no, actually, I can.

I think I'm the only person that didn't really care for it. But it was still heads and tails above the rest of the franchise, the original excepted.

Let's not forget the scything attack on "death sticks," either.

I'm going to have to go back on my meds just thinking about it.

I couldn't make it through the Hobbit movies, and even the Lego version suffered. I've read the book a few times and had no idea of what has happening about 90% of the time.

And if even one of these things had been barely hinted at in the OT, it would have been brilliant. Instead, they were all shoehorned in for no logical reason.