I Am the Eye

J. J. Jingleheimer-Schmidt

He's like Alec Baldwin in a SNL skit.

I think Leonardo is pretty good.

They should have kept Clive Revill.

You'd have to watch the director's cut for that. Griffith's original screenplay was a raunchy rom-com but it didn't do well with the test audience.

I'm going to send it to the dot matrix printer in the basement to see if that helps.

I'm surprised that the Disney Robin Hood movie didn't turn me into a furry as an adult.

My recollection is that you could be quite the murderous prick, and still end up on the light side.

I kind of like cheap innuendo, but it seemed like a lot of scenes felt completely flat, and many of the jokes were just tired and predictable.

It seems to be turning into what everyone wanted, which is a shame.

I thought it started off with some promise, but it's just getting worse and worse every week. This episode felt like a waste of my time.

Yeah, that was the biggest laugh of the show for me.

I applaud this episode for its excellent choice of title.

One of my bands opened for Poison back in '85? at Radio City Music Hall in Anaheim. All I remember about that night is that I got kicked out of the club…I wasn't wearing shoes, for some reason.

Sometimes I feel like the only Gen X'er that hates the Muppets, but with all the negative mainstream reviews (and Wynn Duffy and Beatrice Downsy on board), I have to give it a shot.

I'm hoping that we get to see some Boyd Crowder, too.

Certainly better than what we got.

I did appreciate that the Captain tried to make sense of whatever the hell has been going on for the past season for our benefit.

The magnetic and calcification effects of the dome intensify your weak and pitiful hu-man emotions, such as love, grief, and gullibility.

I tried to do the math and I figure they have about 100 years of air under the dome, without even factoring in the trees. But, ya know, dome.