I Am the Eye

I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed by any series finale that doesn't involve lumberjacks.

Those were all painted by Jack Bender, who directed several episodes in Seasons 1/2 . I went to a gallery opening of his "art" once; the best part was when one of his giant statues was accidentally knocked over.

I remember Natalie Zea, but mostly because I'm finally watching Justified.

Call me crazy (it helps my legal defense) but I was hoping for a truly satisfying resolution.

I'm hoping they bring back the ghosts of Aunt Zelda and Winona.

So I'm trying to determine exactly how implausible it would be that they would run out of oxygen in 24 hours.

Uh, well, that's a very good point, now that you mention it.

You don't really need both of those, they have pretty much the same effect.

I'm pretty sure if I had access to a dome-alien umbilical cord, I wouldn't be able to resist chewing on it.

That is certainly the best idea, by far.

It's hard to remember all the way back to when Aunt Zelda was on the show. Or when there was an underground fight club.

Big Jim drinks straight from the bottle while Barbie runs around looking eternally confused. These are my exact same reactions to the Dome.

I had no idea that was Quinn. Fuck, Dexter became terrible.

Sweet, I'm still two years ahead of the dumbfucks.

"The calcification has created a new dome weather system."

Damn, it looks like the prop sale is already over…I would have given my left nut to buy the mini-dome egg.

Barbie really made me uncomfortable during that scene…it looked like he was trying to crawl in.

"Signs point to Dome."

"Free teenth of Rapture with every used pickup!"