I Am the Eye

I tried to do this using the recaps at IMDB, but I gave up right after the dome came down…I just couldn't take any more.

The area Under the Dome seems to have expanded since the dome constricted.

It's like a rash you can't stop scratching.

I hope they pull a "Prison Break" with the next season. Everyone escapes from Under the Dome, just to find themselves back under another Dome in Panama.

I would like to inform the writers that having characters reminisce about past events (hey, remember when you killed my husband? that was awesome!) is not nearly as satisfying as those events having actual repercussions.

It's really all that's driving the plot now.

Not to mention the near fatal shot to the chest about a week before that.

Hadn't they just outlined all the reasons why they are both horrible people? Are we supposed to be happy they are back together? Awww…twue wuv.

Joe's defensive move with the library cart was nothing short of brilliant.

I'm still trying to figure out where she got the hypo, and what was in it. I'm not sure I'd trust a funeral home that keeps knockout drugs around.

Ah, the good ol' days.

She also hooked up with her husband's murderer, which has to be a teeny bit evil.

The more implausible it sounds, the more likely it is to have occurred.

Bird Island…only accessible by land, air, and sea.

The show has become self-aware.

I wonder if Trump has considered a Dome for the U.S.

Is it just me, or did her forehead get even bigger?

There is just no way this show has gotten better by forgetting everything that has happened in the past three weeks (dome-time) and becoming even more convoluted. It's even getting difficult to hate watch.

"Wait a minute, no, this is TOTALLY you. My mistake."