I Am the Eye

The only real continuity with past seasons is when the characters say "hey, remember that thing that happened?" Well played, Dome.

The writers are desperately trying to pretend that they are aware of the previous seasons. Sad, really.

I almost liked her for a minute. I'm totally on board the Bulia ship.

I kind of forget that I'm watching it while I'm watching it.

It's much harder to laugh at the townspeople's stupidity now that they are brainwashed. Frickin' dome.

Damn, I loved that underground Fight Club.

There's a lot of talk about the theme song in this thread, but I just want to give Steve Porcaro credit for nailing the rest of the music.

Now I'm REALLY pissed at this show.

Oh thank god. I'm not good with names and faces. Or people in general.

"Now that we're all trapped in the dome together, none of our secrets are safe..though it doesn't really matter, because none of our writers are blessed with a long term memory."

Was I the only one yelling "sniff it! SNIFF IT!!!"

I've been watching since the first episode and I honestly have no idea who she is.

You and I are two very different people.

I've always been on team Big Jim.

The Dome and I are of similar minds.

That dog is the smartest person under the dome.

"Christine needs a mustache to twirl, it's the only thing missing from her boring character."

That would have been way better than whatever they did in the fourth season.

"Leaving Chester's Mill was the best decision I ever made." YOU'RE NOT EVEN FROM THERE, YOU WERE TRAPPED WHILE PASSING THROUGH. Gah. Dome.

Thank god someone else remembers, I was starting to think I hallucinated that episode.