I Am the Eye

Don't we all.

Our reality must be six or seven Domes in.

Lord, I totally forgot that they were making "Rapture" under that Dome. I wonder if the showrunner and writers have seen any of the previous episodes.

I think they will wake up, dazed, and Theon will turn to Sansa with a confused look:

I don't think that Hubbard was ever officially a member, but he did participate in rituals with Parsons and most likely had access to high level OTO documents as a result of their friendship.

I guess I should rethink my plans for this evening.

The Ben Stiller show was excellent.

I hope we get a full episode devoted to the interior decoration of Saul's office. That set fascinates me.

Better to fail at being your own man than to succeed at being someone else's.

But wouldn't he have seen them taking the bags to the recycling bin?

Jimmy loves the elderly the way that Jesse loved kids.

I totally forgot that about Luther. Good catch.

If I had a woman like that I'd be ruler of the universe.

I love that she gets to drop the high-powered attorney persona and become a much cooler and more down-to-earth person.

I am outraged and amused. Outmused, really.

Damn, now I'm wondering what the LaGuerta Memorial Bench is up to these days.

I thought this was the best episode yet…Mike's performance is Emmy worthy and I actually clapped at the end of the show. If the subject matter is cliche, then the performance is even more impressive for being so riveting.

They do sell the Tylenol 3s over the counter up there, god bless ya.

Quadrant is the new tableau.

Man, children ruin everything.