I Am the Eye

Yeah, the closed captioning said "buzzing sound." There's something about the closed captioning during sex scenes that makes me surprisingly uncomfortable.

Holy crap! Well researched, sir.

I still don't really buy it, but I'll credit the writers that they gave us enough to make it plausible within the SoA world.

I was hoping it was a bundle pack for the next Marilyn Manson album.

I wonder if they'll keep the hex wrench, like I always do. Dunno why, I've got dozens of the things now.

I remember from Hunter S. Thompson's "Hells Angels" that the cut never gets washed. The filth and general state of disrepair are a badge of honor.

I'm pretty sure the entire arc of the show goes back to a single misunderstanding…Clay thinking that Opie was a rat.

"Woooo! Play Free Bird!"
*half hour later*
"Stop playing Free Bird!!!"

My French is poor, but why not just "J'ai ça?" The past participle in that title continues to haunt me.

I think it's a nice statement on how far they have fallen, and how oblivious they are to the threat they've become.

Rooting against Gemma? It's just for the best, I find.

I will never be able to unhear this. Genius.

I think I'm the only one that actually enjoyed Toric all the way through his run on the show.

I will always remember S.O.A. as the series that gave us Chekhov's pisstub.

I'd like them to bring Rollins back so they can kill him again. I would never get tired of that.

I'd like them to bring Rollins back so they can kill him again. I would never get tired of that.

Alternate titles:
"Ma langue, ce qu'ai j'ai fait pour ma langue"
"J'aurais pensé sur cette première"
"Pas plus de sucettes"

Alternate titles:
"Ma langue, ce qu'ai j'ai fait pour ma langue"
"J'aurais pensé sur cette première"
"Pas plus de sucettes"

Wendy gets a lot of free drugs from the Teller family. Maybe I should start taking my car to TM.

Wendy gets a lot of free drugs from the Teller family. Maybe I should start taking my car to TM.