Literate Dead

Honestly, I find the Big Finish Productions audio works to be the great boon to Peter Davidson (and Colin Baker, but that's a subject for another time…). The stories give much more of a chance to enjoy his Doctor without the weakness of the JNT era (seriously, I will forever be bitter with 'Time-Flight'!). I'm a great

I confess to always being confused by all the dislike of this story. It's far from perfect, but it's a surprisingly fun Fifth Doctor story, something undoubtedly lacking in the Saward era.

I think what helps is that Ainley seems to relish playing the villain. The DVD of 'Survival' has the scenes he filmed for the 'Destiny of the Doctors' video game (the last time he would play the role), and despite it being a crummy FMV-level production, he owns every moment of it. It's very silly, but I honestly find

*spoilers ensue, as per the norm*