Thought it was good — fantastic animation, good characters, great details — but it didn't transcend the formulaic story.
Thought it was good — fantastic animation, good characters, great details — but it didn't transcend the formulaic story.
'Poetry in Motion'?
Don't forget Payback, in which Mel Gibson's character, Frank Payback, demands payback. Some film titles are names and descriptions.
My 8-year-old wasn't fooled by CGI Tarkin, but i thought it looked good.
Agreed. The lead heroes are not involving, which is a fairly big weakness. Enjoyed the film nonetheless. It certainly looked great, and had a satisfying quotient of fist pump moments.
Force choked by Vader?
Dogs suck. Now i like him more.
Chris Pratt died on the way back to his home planet.
Some of Low was recorded in Hansa Studios.
1. Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses and
2. Trying To Throw Your Arms Around the World
Saw Paterson tonight. 'Pleasant' might not fit, but it is an absolute tonic.
I'll never re-watch anything
It's spelt "sworray".
You now owe Steve Bannon 0.000000000000000000006 cents.
I thought Tom would have a bit more time and kinder words for License. It's the most pure "action movie" Bond up to that point, and that's its strength.
Kill 'Em, Alzheimers
Jesus. I forgot about Hufty. Then again, Katie Puckrik was terrible on The Word but is one of the most engaging djs on BBC Radio 6 Music.
You could be right. It was a long time ago. If only all footage from The Word wasn't incinerated and the ashes buried in the earth's core for humanitarian reasons, we could try to verify it.
Technically, she dropped bass. She was bottomless the whole time, with only her bass guitar to cover her 'modesty'.
In defence of Never Say Never, Connery's charisma more than makes up for his lack of effort. Actually, it's his effortlessness that is an asset in this.