Salmonsters Inc.
Salmonsters Inc.
Koi Story
The Bourne Repetition
He'll always be the charmingly affable Schillinger to me. This is how he'd look if he was pumping iron in Oz all these years.
Batman In Robin
I was scanning through the comments for this exact question.
The romance scenes in Attack work brilliantly as straight-faced parodies of terrible movie romance.
The book on which this is based, Seven Deadly Sins, is unputdownable. (Not literally.) I didn't think it would be as interesting as it was, but I tore through it. Makes you really want Armstrong to go to prison, after the turmoil he put so many people through, not to mention the author of the book (Chris O'Dowd in the…
Rabin is the Adam Sandler of pop culture commentary. I enjoyed his early stuff, but for a long time it's been incredibly lazy: pick some easy target that almost everyone agrees is shit; "punch down" by explaining in broad, unenlightening and self-satisfied terms that it is shit. I didn't realise this was Rabin 'til…
Hoods 'N' Hawks
because Cillian Murphy wears a hood.
And has hawks.
According to some other review I read, his accent is all over the shop and he doesn't fully convince as a racist thug.
Yes. It's fucking great. I really like Roald Dahl but the film easily trumps the book.
If I'm on a plane or a train, someone sitting near me is binge watching this thing. I've never seen a second of this show with the sound on, so from what I can gather:
1. it's about people wearing suits. Not just suits: the men also always wear shirts and ties; the women can wear skirts but only as part of a suit;
Aren't they just recycling old storylines these days? Can't they just recycle dialogue too?
Ha! Yes. I dismissed them as another Candy Flip or some such Madchester cash-in act when I heard that song, but the album totally changed my mind. Then they got better.
Yeah, Turn It Up would be one of the last songs I'd include from Modern Life, and certainly wouldn't appear in any mix of Blur tunes I'd put together, unless it's a 12 Blur Songs You Forget Existed mix.
I've been a Blur fan since the first album came out, but I've never understood the appeal of Song 2.
I don't know. Are you Jewish?
"Some day a rain is gonna come and wash you kids off my lawn."
I quite like Uncle Grandpa, but I wouldn't encourage my 6-year old to watch it. Too much wackiness for a young mind getting to grips with the world.