
Yes. Begins mixes seriousness with summer tentpole blockbuster entertainment (Wayne plays the playboy, cool gadgets), Dark Knight mixes fun entertainment into a Heat-esque crime epic, while DKR is easily the most sturm und drang of the trilogy and is less concerned with delivering lolz.

John Wick 2: The S-Wick-ual

Re: everything in this thread:

Her comments repeat. It's like poetry.


He's starting to look like his mom.

The wind changed and he got stuck as a panther.

Hi peg leg is a bourbon bottle on top of a tube of Pringles.

I see everything in terms of its relationship to Cary Lowell.

Play me at squash and find out … AT YOUR PERIL.

Yeah. Re-watched it a couple of years ago. It's still great.

American Hustle is fantastic.

What a load of hooey, Adams.

You have no understanding of electronic music, do you? It's "Bang-bang! Crash! Wikikikiki-wikikikikiki! DING! Crash a boom crash a boom!"

Ooooh - BURN!

Jason Statham's belly button is in fact a gateway to another dimension

The Robocop remake is like The Silence in Doctor Who: it erases itself from your memory as soon as you stop perceiving it.

His asteroid field chase after Obi Wan wasn't a great showcase for his aim. Also, his outsourced would-be assassination of Amidala probably didn't make it onto his CV, either.

Lucas is obviously a big fan of neck accessories. He wears another man's stomach around his as a trophy and a warning to potential challengers.