
I enjoy this show but have no problem admitting that it stinks [and stinks for all the reasons Meredith has mentioned over the last couple of months]. It *demands* that we take it seriously while all the while giving us one scene after another filled with head-slapping WTF behavior.

I've found most of the episodes to be terribly touching. Sure, Amy's needy, insecure and deluded — but she's also so damned *real.* That said, I think her working in the basement with the other "misfits" only serves to cheapen what is otherwise a fine drama.

Sunil may not be the only patient to have duped Paul
Hard to say how much of what Jesse's told Paul is the truth. Guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Adele's phone call to Paul
seemed a bit too "personal" in tone as opposed to her usual professional demeanor. Seemed odd, also, that she'd be calling so soon after waking up in the morning. If I didn't know better, I'd almost say she was being a little flirtatious.

Didn't Hank's sister say
in an early episode that Jason had his facts all wrong [regarding the contaminated property]? Which gave me the impression that Jason wasn't all he was cracked up to be [architect-wise]. In fact, until tonight's episode, did we even have any proof that Jason *was* a legit architect? I