
@BiteNuker - I'm still sad that Uli lost. Same with Mondo. I dunno why I can't get over these ordeals. I saw Uli in South Beach one year and professed this to her. She told me that she continually hears this, which makes her feel good. It also makes me feel good to know that other people were down with the Uli!

Also also, I'm down with OlivIer. Pure beauty, Sari!

I'm with the fluffed-up-accent camp for sure. Spending years writing a linguistics dissertation on dialectology allowed me to work with people from around the world in relation to their dialect. I refuse to bore anyone with the details, but, besides the colloquial research that points to ideolects (your personal

@Banmar - I lol'd way too hard at that comment. Mostly because I thought the same thing when I saw his first talking head moment. There's no way years of binging on alcohol and cigarettes didn't leave his skin a ragged, horrible mess. Still, he's got some nice designs. Except for this weeks :)

I agree completely! Teti somehow crams more wit and pun into 4 paragraphs than some shows do in an entire episode. This weeks winner (for me at least) was "Overjoyed at being named the winner, Olivier moves his lips and produces sound. "I will only work harder," the subtitles say." ^_^

I lol'd when she said "I like the stripes in the back." I dunno why, just the way she said it was pathetically hilarious. Granted, the stripes were the boldest thing about that travesty.

and Andre comes back to put glitter on it and then cry for no reason.

Differences between PR US/PR AUS
So, yeah, sorry for two topics so close to each other. But, we're all PR-fans, so let's move on quickly!

@ ballerina I agree (re: dog cones). I was hoping she'd find a way to either extended the top part by a few inches, or something. I'm not that interested in Laura, but when I saw her first design I was like "Ah, there's something else going on with her, awesome!" … and then I saw her final design and was like "Oh

Runway Judging Times
I wish they'd show more of the extended runway judging sequences somewhere. In the season with Andre (S3?S4?), the DVD-release had a 12-minute sequence of the judges and Andre on the runway, where Andre must've gone through 15 different emotions in the space of two minutes - it was hilarious and

It scares me that it took me 2 scenes for me to realize it was her. I swear I stopped the pot!