
I was coming here to post that, but should've known it already would've been! He was awesome as "Father" - mostly when he was getting really frustrated with Jerry not-being-brainwashed. Great 2-part episode!

I remembered Principal Lewis texting a ;-) emoticon after that text, but I watched the episode again today and it wasn't there. Memory's a bitch. Also, whiskey.

Fucking hilarious. And the Roger reveal cements the idea for me that the AD writers really know how many steps to take a joke, and they rarely beat a good joke to death (for me, at least).

My roomate and I still randomly sing the 'Tractor Boy' tag when we're out drinking sometime. I had no idea other people found that hilariously awesome as well. I'm with you, subpar!

Amen, I'm glad they didn't go the movie-ending route.

Yeah, I caught a little Prince-vibe when they first showed Margarite. Pretty fucking funny all around!

Did anybody else catch the little background part after Roger drives the car through the school? We just hear the girl in the background yelling "Tracy!" - that was hands-down the funniest moment in the episode for me. I love when they do little background moments like that, especially revolving around Roger

Thanks man. Just as I was streaming it there, the *not torrent* finally showed up.

T&L are great usually, but Teti takes the cake. That being said, "The Thirty-Three Faces of Gretchen" stands as one of the funniest PR-related posts ever. It's linked up there above. It's best if you remember that episode well, or have just watched it before reading their post.

Johnny, Nerida and Dylan would make a great top 3, but for some reason, I feel like its going to be Johnny, Nerida and Craig. I feel like there's less "game-playing" on PRAus than with the other iterations of the show, but perhaps Craig is just playing the game. However, I did lol when I heard his opening tag (I

I recently had to spend a lot of time recouping after a surgery and just went through a bunch of the seasons again. This may say a lot more about me than anything, but the thing that really bugs me the most is when Heidi says "This was our hardest decision yet". She seems to say it almost weekly now. Ok, granted, it's

well, at least you posted that, brother!

yeah, I wasn't sure if it was some random call-back, or if it was it's own joke (as it lead into her eating after the show started).

God, remember when they brought Laura back as a guest judge in S5? I hated her and I was so mad at that. I'd secretly love(/hate) if they brought Gretchen back as a guest judge one week. We'd riot!

hah yeah, I had to watch the lifetime rip, and it looked like she was holding a blueish-grey lump in one hand, and a straight up greyish-lump in the other. But, I guess she can pretty much chuck anything at the public and sell it at this point.

Yeah, bad, I know. Sorry for making you remember that!

Remember Keith Michael from S5? The whiney wife-beater wearing other gay Mormon from Utah?

 I lol'd at the end bit. It's so true. I was waiting to see who stepped out of the copter, but then as soon as they kept hiding the face, I was like "Please don't be Megan. Please" And it was :/

Is he a continuing judge? I just *didn't* download that show, so I'll find out soon I guess.

-PR Australia 3x08-