
This show gets less and less funny every week. My wife and I didn't laugh once during this episode. Wayans made the right move by going to Happy Endings where it's just silly, rapid fire jokes with no "very special" messages and cliches like falling asleep on the beach.

This used to be my favorite show…now it's become a slog to get through each week.

Re: Cooper attack.

"…but showing us that Cooper will be fine really took a lot of tension out of those final shots."

He's such a good actor he played TWO different characters on Deadwood.

Brad's fake facebook girlfriend's hobbies are "breathing through her nose and competitive swallowing."

My take was that each time he got hurt he got hooked on pills…hit bottom…cleaned up…and kept sober until he got hurt again. Like it was just part of the profession. He wasn't looking for it but he was resigned to know that this is what will happen if he continues racing. Maybe he won't come out of it this time…maybe

Yes, you should.

I felt that way about both of those first seasons but they definitely improved by the second season. The second season of Boardwalk Empire may have been one of the best shows I saw last year (besides Breaking Bad). If you didn't watch the second season give it a try. I was kind of blown away by how much more I cared

Three episodes in and still not that impressed with just about any character, setting, or where the plot is going. I'm going to keep watching but I'm starting to feel like this is one big, elaborate joke on the viewer (and the AV writer who seems to think this is HBO and Milch at a pinnacle…sorry, that's still

This episode felt a little off to me. Robbing a charter school? Really? Why wasn't the gang banger twirling his mustache? Whereas the Spartacus ending was dumb I enjoyed Tang's "oh c'mon" exasperation. I also liked how the chief made sure the cops stuck to procedure when that guy got stabbed in the back. Sammy stuck

Dear God man! Watch those Deadwood Blu-Rays!

I'll stick with it because I trust Milch and still feel Deadwood was the best thing ever put on television (sorry The Wire…Breaking Bad…you're a cunt-hair away from the top) but Luck's pilot left me a bit non-plussed. Only Nolte stood out to me in a good way. Hoffmann seemed stiff and the hangers-on peeps at the track

Watching this show is like bringing a Joseph Wambaugh book to life. And that's a good thing. Is he a consultant for the writers?

Man, what a great premier! Everything is spot on. I've always enjoyed that blond haired/blue-eyed actor and this seems like a good fit. Any any time Duffy's on my TV I'm happy. How did that actor become so sinister looking? For some reason I think Boyd wants to be in jail. I know he says he wants to kill Dickie but I

You would think the reviewer would know that the next season will be an entirely different setting and haunting with none of these characters returning. But then I guess he's too busy hating to do any simple google search.

We had an office pool and my contestant was Kymia…I won $65! Thanks Kymia.

Hung was actually very good this year and showcased some strong female characters. Bored to Death was boring this season and I would never watch Entourage. Year of the Dog should be a good prerequisite to Enlightened. The emotional core of both is a stark mirror on life. I hope this show returns but if it doesn't I'm

I dunno…I kind of like this episode. I like watching Tanya evolve and I'm wondering how she can get rid of Lenore. The Mike callback was a bit out of the blue however.

How could Justified get better? Carla Gugino.