
It was entertaining enough for me to hear Dorian trying to speak Korean.

That was such an excellent moment in unintentional comedy.

So…what actually was being said in Mandarin, or were they both talking gibberish?

Have you been following the show? If so, you might've clued in on the first episode when someone turns up dead and the show continues…without ever making international headlines. Maybe I'm not cynical enough but there's never been an in-show reality death caught on camera, and when it happens it's going to be big

This show grew on me, and unlike Lost I suspect the creative forces behind the show know exactly where it's going, but have just been taking their time getting there. I really wish American TV shows could be made with an end in sight, rather than going along as far as they can and if they're lucky at seeing the end

Stunt caulk. Not that that makes this any less awesome. Also isn't this a Dillinger cover?


Perhaps I'm being a bit unfair because they lean on it way too often. And there was one episode where the reset button was a literal button that restored everything to normal.

I would've subtracted an entire grade point just for that deux ex machina ending. This show would be so much more enjoyable if it weren't for deux ex machinae and reset buttons.

Having already finished the first season, I hope it does get picked up for reviews. The show itself basically falls into violent action with police procedural on the side, and the time travel elements mostly lurk in the background until the season finale. It needs discussion to be enjoyed; both the future society and

Best Kat moment was when she got tossed. It could've had more of a Gimli vibe but it was hilariously awesome enough.

Best Kat moment was when she got tossed. It could've had more of a Gimli vibe but it was hilariously awesome enough.

I agreed with or stood by all the selections (I did genuinely like Life is Beautiful, and American Beauty has a specific meaning to me, but I could understand the complaints).

I agreed with or stood by all the selections (I did genuinely like Life is Beautiful, and American Beauty has a specific meaning to me, but I could understand the complaints).

On behalf of the Republic of Korea, I apologise for "Gangnam Style." But I'd also like an apology in return, for having to listen to Americans mispronouncing it as "Gayngnam."

On behalf of the Republic of Korea, I apologise for "Gangnam Style." But I'd also like an apology in return, for having to listen to Americans mispronouncing it as "Gayngnam."

When they started talking about the Furies and Oedipus, I had a flashback to the old Tick cartoon, when the hand-puppet villain Handy also mentions Oedipus. It would've killed if Matt had finished by saying "Read a book!"

When they started talking about the Furies and Oedipus, I had a flashback to the old Tick cartoon, when the hand-puppet villain Handy also mentions Oedipus. It would've killed if Matt had finished by saying "Read a book!"

While I can't imagine anyone will miss Nate, I do disagree with comparing the show to series-spanning arcs that go nowhere, like Psych or Castle (or I'd add the Mentalist's pursuit of Red John). To me the strong point of the show (obviously, after Bruce Campbell) is the show's very well-paced plot development. Sure,

While I can't imagine anyone will miss Nate, I do disagree with comparing the show to series-spanning arcs that go nowhere, like Psych or Castle (or I'd add the Mentalist's pursuit of Red John). To me the strong point of the show (obviously, after Bruce Campbell) is the show's very well-paced plot development. Sure,