Jonas Albrecht

Nintendo, throw all of the money at these guys to make this a feature length movie. Then, thennnnnnnnnn, I will throw my money at you to see that movie a bunch of times.
This is so fucking gorgeous.

I've never been so glad to be both alive and not a cultural icon.

Hey, alright. I was hoping it wasn't as bad as the trailers.

Aw man, I thought this was going to be about the movie version of The Real Ghostbusters.

Don't come between the artist and his shitposting, okay?

I'm so happy right now.

Mona Lisa finally gets what's coming to her.

Bideo bames.

Yeah. The trailers have yet to show anything other than an overly-broad, studio-driven cash grab. I love the cast and the director, but I'm just not into what this movie appears to be selling.

"But loving a piece of art or pop culture shouldn’t be about constantly looking backward, or placing all of your hopes and dreams in the preservation of a particular vision."

Good. That Nancy Drew adaptation sounded dire as fuck.

Huh, I always thought Drake Mallard was wealthy…

You had a good run, Wii U. Can't wait for the NX, and the year of "Nintendo is Doomed" leading up to it!

God, Gretchen is the best. I hope we get one Gretchen episode per season. Also Mikey is great too.

Whenever Keanu wasn't onscreen, I was asking myself "where's Keanu?"

The Wii U has been fantastic. Splatoon alone would have made it worth buying for me.

So then we're done with Dorne, right? Christ I hope so.

Star Fox Zero review.

Prince and Bowie in the same year. 2016 is merciless.

I subscribe to Cat Mancy.