Jonas Albrecht

What the fuck was going on in that trailer with is wife? Was she fucking around, having a stroke, committing suicide?

Still my favorite Zelda game.

The happy accident of the grade turning the movie into "God's Not Dad 2".


Help me out, I was out of the room at the end when that really sad music was playing. Was there a "Someone died" title card?

This episode sold me off the show. I'm really tired of escalating cringe, and Gus is just the worst embodiment of it.

I really don't like that Patty has "I'm not smart like you people are" dialog.

Oh. I thought he got cast as Superman.

I can't get past the NYPD detective thing. It just kills my interest.

I hope everyone had a leaptacular Leap Day!


Naw, just joking really. It's definitely the harder of the two, though.

Intelligent Systems has really been knocking it out of the park with Fire Emblem lately.

I chose Nohr. I regret choosing Nohr.

One of my favorite things about Link is that, between all the moments of perseverance and heroism, he really is a bit of a doofus.

I had the final panel in that comic as my phone wallpaper for the longest time. The Master Sword, covered in wild growth, was such a lonely, solemn image.

Haha, "my opinion on a video game franchise is correct."

Best. Week. Ever.

Not only is the Ball and Chain a fantastic item, but the method used to bring it to the player is something I would love to see more of. Having an enemy show me how cool a weapon is by trying to kill me with it first is pretty neat.

Heh, that teacher bully is the Captain America knock off.