Jonas Albrecht

It's because you're old.

Johnny Cash turned in one of the best guest star appearances of all time in this episode.

Lil Terry owns, fools.

Yeah, nice win for Boyle in what was otherwise an embarrassing situation.

I need this as a text alert.

You know, as much as I'm down with the ideas behind this reboot, I just wish we'd stop. I want to see films born from the imagination (and wholesale borrowing) of filmmakers. I know people like to hammer on about "everything has been done", but that was true even with Ghostbusters. Let's see some new IPs, please.

The show is determined to be terrible in the most creative ways.

All I know is that it has something to do with bees.

I kinda wsnt to play Metal Gear Selina. As long as it's as goofy as Revengeance.

I see that Kickstarter is to South Park what the internet was to late 90s Simpsons- A subject the writers have no clue how to tackle.

"My husband had his demons but he never killed nobody."

Blue Dude is legitimately terrifying.

Yeah, Wyrd doesn't do their secondary games any favors.


So do you!

Quit being so angry about vloggers, AV Club commentors!

The Fault in Our Stars is probably John Green's weakest book, but I'm glad it seems to be getting good reviews.

Holy cow this show has Olympian levels of terrible dialog and scenes.

Best possible comment.

I like your style, Mike Vago.