
Yuri Petrovitch: Are you trying to say that "Shadow Dancing" is the bridge of Z'Ha'Dum? Does that mean the dream bit is trying to keep us from passing?

I'm not so sure Andreas Katsulas was human, but actually a Narn that sometimes put on human makeup.

The way the dream stuff comes out of nowhere, yet mentions Kosh makes it feel like a fumbled attempt at once-again foreshadowing that the Vorlon is inside Sheridan and influencing him. That's pretty much the only way I can get the segment to resemble making sense.

I always saw Londo as buying into the Centauri version of the "White Man's Burden" in that there's a part of him that really believed that conquest and expansion by his people brought a civilizing effect that outweighed any pain or suffering. His unlearning of that idea becomes part of his character growth throughout

I don't think he's likely to get flakey about it.

I'd recommend investing in a nice skin moisturizer too, while you're at it.

You needed to get off that stuff, son. It'll rot your brain.

Best gospel music overlay ever, or best gospel music overlay ever? I have to wonder if JMS constructed the B-plot just so he could have an excuse to use that song over the image of Refa getting beaten to death.

Valid points made by all of the above (though I was unaware that Shadows fart in our general direction), but it's still a marked change from previous appearances where they pretty much brush aside anything challenging them.

*Pushes up thick nerd-glasses*

An off-hand thing I finally noticed on this rewatch - the G'Tok captain mentions that a lot of the Narn fleet was disabled, not destroyed. That's actually a nice bit of future justification for the fact that the Narn can have a fleet capable of taking part in military action against the Centauri in S5.

A ranger's got to have a code.

Is B5 the only show to use actual terms like Time on Target and mention Interceptors? I want to say that BSG tried, but my memory is hazy at the moment.

So guys, how about the fact that the Shadows flat-out ran from a fight? Yay or nay?

I think the reason Franklin's self-confrontation works is that it's basically the character tearing himself apart for every obnoxious justification he's used over the years. It's almost like the character himself acknowledging some of the complaints people here are saying.

So, when we're told that every race has their own version of Swedish Meatballs, does that include the Vorlons and the Shadows? Do the Shadows have some kind of dish with a 1,000 letter name that translates as something like 'dark sustenance for those of the abyss' or something suitably melodramatic? I need some kind

B5 doesn't really seem to have the ingredients for shipping, does it? Most of the drama is rooted in reactions to larger political events, rather than personal stuff such as who likes who or what the pretty-but-tortured boy is going to do next. Not a lot of furtive, longing looks, either.

Something else that occurred to me embarrassingly late - the Babylon project was Earthgov's big response to the fact that humanity just escaped extinction by the skin of it's teeth. The whole thing is draped in prestige and a genuine desire to show that the Earth Alliance is not only going to survive the aftermath of

Yeah, she's head of the Rangers and reorganizes Minbari society, which is great and important, but that really doesn't hold up next to a guy who walked into the galactic heart of darkness, died, returned to life and was ultimately so important that he was bodily ascended by the first sentient being in history to be

Oh yeah, forgot about that.