
I think you mean 'Byron'-ing one S5 storyline.

Something to keep in mind is that, according to JMS, the destruction of B1-B3 was not total and there was enough from each previous attempt to provide a basis for the next one, so it's not like they had to start from scratch each time.

The first "other" was a bit of a dig at BSG. I know someone who's just started watching it and they're just about to get into the Final Five mess. Re-watching WWE while awaiting that just makes me appreciate B5's narrative structure even more.

Well, there was the little matter of a few planets not being there anymore…

Food for thought: in the bad timeline, Garibaldi still has his hair.

I really like In the Beginning. A lot of it is just fill-in-the-blanks stuff, but I think it works. Plus, actually seeing the Battle of the Line makes a lot of the Earth stuff come into greater context.

Well, Yuri, the Vorlons do appear to people in forms meant to invoke awe and inspiration…

Yeah, Delenn does get a little left out. She was always going to be the herald for Space Jesus, but splitting Sinclair and Sheridan makes it more problematic since she's now outnumbered two-to-one.

Good point about the Martin comparison. Sometimes it's not so much what you say, but how you say it.

Sheridan has to be Lucy, with Sinclair going along for the ride.

So, the two-parter where the Space Jesuit turns into Space Jesus Mk.1. It's always kinda thorny (to me) when a show tries to say that someone wasn't an 'actual' religious figure, but instead had a mundane explanation, albeit a crazy sci-fi one.

But Rowan, Kosh doesn't fumble the ball during a ten-minute sequence that insults our intelligence! I don't understand the reference at all.

Sad news. The B5 curse strikes again?

I don't think it's that incongruous. Sure, they're independent now, but at some point the plan is to reunite with Earth and return to their normal lives. And even if they don't, if word gets out that Franklin is a space-junkie, it'll hurt any chance of steady work anywhere.

It's not so much a question of Kosh's methods never being questioned, but the execution of the questioning that leaves some people a little put off. Again, while JMS wants to examine typical science-fiction tropes, he also wants a space opera with heroes and villains. The problem is that in order to have heroes, they


Now that you mention weird start-stops, how long do the Shadows rampage? We're clearly meant to have an impression of time passing while bad things happen, but how much? Is it just a constant onslaught, or do the Shadows take periodic breaks while waiting for significan targets to materialize? It's problematic for me

So, no jukebox means the B5 crew will have to go elsewhere for karaoke night?