
In interviews, Danny Mcbride has mentioned how the South is perceived as racist but there's more interaction between the races, whereas places like LA there are a lot of well meaning liberals who don't really interact all that much with blacks and perceive blacks not as real people but more as mascots almost

"I don't even apologize to my kids" that's not a good thing Michelle

Couple observations
What bothers me about the most about Adore is that there have been WINNERS of the past seasons (Jinxx Monsoon, Sharon Needles) who constantly had their whole aesthetic and they pushed through (really hope she's good mentall though)

Oh no she wasn't wrong at all but her implications tho..

See but I don't really know what her problem was with the judges critique. No ones saying she can't do her 90s grrl style of drag, but there a way to do that style of drag at a higher level than she was bringing. I suspect there's some personal stuff going on, which really isn't the case.

One, I'm embarrassed it took me so long to comment on this, really dropped the ball
Two, I always laugh thinking of the minutiae of Illumanati recruitment policies, like since Bon Iver is in now apparently are they done with down home, indie rockers? Like does that disqualify Father John Misty.

Also one of the single greatest lost Hollywood projects is a Marion Barry Biopic starring Murphy and directed by Spike Lee

Devils Avocado: No one was booing Murphy during his now infamous Raw routine. I'm not saying it's right, or he should be let off the hook but there has to be some consideration of the country at the time. I genuinely don't believe he hates gay people

Guys I'm not saying naz isn't physically attactive, I should've used a different term, I meant in the terms that a very attractive lawyer would almost definitely see a mentally fraying potential murderer as beneath her as a romantic interest. It has nothing to do with physical attractiveness.

Guys I loved the cartoon as a kid but missed the Sitcom, I recently watched it for the first time and well it holds up terribly. It was in 2001 but feels more suited for the mid 90s. Yeah it's great the Venture bros guys came out of there but I think this adaptation has the potential to really translate to a very good

Damn, I thought the Hollywood "attractiveness gap" between actors and actresses couldn't go lower than Salma Hayek being a love interest for Kevin James but Smart, put together, very attractive lawyer "falling" for her jailed, potential murderer, crazy eyes in the midst of a mental breakdown client, really takes the

There's a abandoned Steven Carell vehicle where he attempts to teach his dog to talk because the dog witnessed the wife's murder, I was really looking forward to the almost guaranteed unintentional comedy promised by the premise but alas it wasn't meant to be.

That has to be a disposed of Breaking Bad plot, "What if Walt sharpens his toothbrush"?

His album impregnated with Wonder, which features material post divorce, had a real edge to it. If he would quit being so fucking pleased with himself and with the annoying laughing he could be a great comedian

No one knew at all that the most human animated show creator wasn't human at all

He has a lot of his colleagues from his fusion show and there not very., how shouldni say this …good. There's a huge difference in quality between a chris tallman ,matt Gurley episode to a no, you shut up cast.

"I'm Scott aukerman I'm a pig all I want to Do is eat popcorn and gold"

An emotionally unstable, failed actress alone in LA with a million dollars….. So Megan is DEFINITELY becoming a Sciencetologist

I like to imagine that, that man went home to his charming, obese wife and 9 months later they gave birth to a child,a child who grew up to be Huell from breaking bad.

1 million is slightly south of 7 million in 1970 dollars. so how does Megan spend it? Obviously she blows it but how? Terrible vanity album? mismanaged vegan restaurant? She shacks up with a James woods in Casino, type hustler?