Eyesor T. Glass

@littlealex: Wow. Thanks for reposting that.

You go Ben Fudgefudge!

I think Bravo is in production on that one.

Quick, someone regester the name "Hooker Booker" and keep this mastubatory mobius strip going!

If two solipsistic assholes argue about nonsense in the media, will jesus forgive either of them?


Very well played.

With a "K".


And Cameron Crow will memorilize the rapsodic story of the wise beyond his years freelance journelist from "Highlights" magazine. Edited by Ben Fong Torres.

"…But, Lean is dead."

"….Koowaalalam..coalalu…**Scribbles out copy**…FRANCE!"

Holy Shit, that makes me feel old.

Well, no but the fun is trying and failing. And trying and failing…..

Wilco/WES Anderson
Neko Case/Kathryn Bigelow

From Jean's inaugral address:

And always Twirling, Twirling TWIRLING Toward Freedom!

Strong men also cry.

Yeah, but you could still cast Stanley Tucci and Tony Shalhoub.

The coke dealer who's kids your sending through law school?