@ realmike15 - You mean @ 38 I'm not an adult? Woo Hoo! That is incredible news. Here all this time I've been dreading turning 40 only to find out I'm still a youngin.
@ realmike15 - You mean @ 38 I'm not an adult? Woo Hoo! That is incredible news. Here all this time I've been dreading turning 40 only to find out I'm still a youngin.
@ Realmike15 & all others that dislike like True Blood — don't watch it. I mean seriously, if you really hate it THAT much, do those of us who do enjoy True Blood a favor and watch something else. I like being able to come and read the comment from people who are digging the show as much as I am. I don't understand…
Tori Amos… she's got tons of songs that would fit lyrically, but two that come to mind muscially would be Mr. Zebra and Playboy Mommy.
Let's not forget he had 50 or so kids with his last wife, so he probably lost all his money divorcing her and paying child support for his abundant brood. That is my guess as to where his monies have gone.
@ Steely Danzig… your name made me chuckle, and made me think of the following (which is totally off topic):
Have you seen the YouTube video of Shakira's Hips Don't Lie with Danzig in it instead of Wyclef Jean? It's pretty freaking funny. I can't stand Shakira, but still laughed my ass off. (Before anybody gets…
I've never heard of these guys. Just more proof I'm getting old. I had to look up a picture to what they look like (since somebody mentioned they hated them more after seeing them). So from what I understand they are poppy. And after seeing their pic I think they look like The Jonas Brothers long lost cousins. …
I demand to know who told her or who thinks she is/was a "hot chick"! She's mediocre @ best.
@ wolfmansRazor — I too reside in St. Louis, but I've only been here a year and a half. My hubby has to be in a union @ work, so I am assuming this to be a "union town". Do the unions here make it a huge pain in the ass to have movies filmed here? Philadelphia has lost quite a few movie opportunities because of the…
I have an irrational fear of falling and knocking me teeth out. Especially if I trip. I spend a good 10 minutes or so replaying how I tripped and have visions of my teeth getting smashed. I even have dreams where my teeth get knocked out. I blame it on 3 years of braces in high school… seriously.
@ Warren Oates… I too hated clowns before Poltergeist, but kind of like having the movie as an excuse to hate them.
@ Anywhere I lay my head…
So I take it you live in St. Louis for you to feel threatened by hollywood douchebags and the projects that come along with them?
What Ni**ers Want
The Jew with all the Cash
Forever Sugartits
The Jews Million Dollar Hotel
Wetback's Tequila Sunrise
Un-fucking believable!
"Braveheart 2: Eunuch's Revenge! " — made me laugh. Thanks Kielbasa.
I wonder if the blood pooling came from the limo. I'm probably wrong, but it looked like a different vehicle to me. I agree that they wouldn't be that wasteful, especially with three vampires feeding.
"I can't carry a tune in a bucket with a lid"
Originally I was incredibly disappointed with the casting (again), but have grown to like Joe Manganiello as Alcide. He still doesn't strike me as "rugged" like Alcide is supposed to be, but Joe is very easy on the eyes. I AM very disappointed at the lack of chemistry that is missing between Alcide & Sookie though. …
I too thought she was going to be offed in the limo. *POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT* I was disappointed she wasn't off'd, but wonder if they are going to stay true to the book & have Sookie leave her as a smudge in the bottom of a pool.
@ Famous_Mortimer — you are correct about Tara being a very minor character in the books. She's also white in the book, and does not have a fuck off attitude. I don't have an issue with her being cast as a black woman, but I also hate the "angry black chick" routine that was mentioned before. The story line that is…
Maybe I'm the only one who read the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris. So maybe that is the only reason I really like True Blood. It's a great show (despite Anna Pacquin). I don't watch prime time television so I have no frame of reference to say whether it deserves to be nominated for an Emmy or not. I…