
"Lisa, never ever stop in the middle of a hoedown!" Ah, that scene is sublime.

Why blame the women viewers? Spielberg wanted to fire Hilty, not McPhee.

"We'll take the Spruce Moose! Hop in."
"But sir—"
[clicks gun] "I said, 'Hop in.'"

"I give you Britannia!" "Freshen your drink, guvnah?"

Does anyone else think Stanley looks like a black Michael Shannon?

"You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice."

I wonder what Lea Michele thought, given her own topless scene on Broadway, mentioned below.

I wanted Jeff Weinerslav to appear one last time!

I agree—sometimes they err too much on the side of childishness for Jess's character, and sometimes they want us to take her seriously (i.e., the end, which was great), which I think works better for her. She can be quirky without being an idiot.

Okay, I just about died from laughter when Morgan walked out at the end as Major Toht.

This line is my life philosophy.

Just the cautious but excited way that Ben walked into the office was funny.

Julius Pepperwood, Nick's "writer" wisdom, and poor CeCe's feeling left out of the loft culture were all wonderful.

What the hell? I thought it was hilarious.

They should have stopped by the Royal Tampa Academy of Dramatic Tricks.

I think the whole "Marge- and Lisa-centric episodes are less funny" truism among Simpsons buffs is a real canard. But that might just be because "Marge on the Lam," "Fear of Flying," "A Streetcar Named Marge," "Lisa's Wedding," "I Love Lisa" and "Summer of 4'2" would probably all make my top 10.

By the end of the episode, I was shamelessly hoping that the actors were friends in real life. I guess I'm a sucker for a dance sequence.

By the end of the episode, I was shamelessly hoping that the actors were friends in real life. I guess I'm a sucker for a dance sequence.

Valjean's big number "Bring Him Home" is on one of Mandy's albums.

Valjean's big number "Bring Him Home" is on one of Mandy's albums.