
I completely agree. Her childishness often borders on imbecility, and not in a funny way.

I completely agree. Her childishness often borders on imbecility, and not in a funny way.

Yeah, I fail to see why she had to be made over to appeal to Reiner.

Yeah, I fail to see why she had to be made over to appeal to Reiner.

By Lucifer's beard!

By Lucifer's beard!

Like the Orca whale in the X-Files episode, if I'm remembering correctly.

Like the Orca whale in the X-Files episode, if I'm remembering correctly.

No one leaves the octagon!

No one leaves the octagon!

It sounded like the main theme from "Swan Lake" to me.

It sounded like the main theme from "Swan Lake" to me.

What's Jack's Super-PAC called? Americans for an American America?

What's Jack's Super-PAC called? Americans for an American America?

The whole false eyelashes thing also seemed like an in-joke, since Zooey Deschanel practically lives in those.

The whole false eyelashes thing also seemed like an in-joke, since Zooey Deschanel practically lives in those.

I hate hate hate the use of fat suits in flashback as a shortcut to "comedy." It's too late to change now, I suppose, but the cheapness of that device is thrown into relief by the cleverness of the show otherwise. I mean, "ramen with figs in it" is beautiful.

I hate hate hate the use of fat suits in flashback as a shortcut to "comedy." It's too late to change now, I suppose, but the cheapness of that device is thrown into relief by the cleverness of the show otherwise. I mean, "ramen with figs in it" is beautiful.

I'll get you for this, Midler!

I'll get you for this, Midler!