Run for it Marty

Only episodes 6 thru the finale are currently on Hulu Plus.

I'm so bummed there won't be a Halloween episode. Even since the pilot aired I've been thinking "Oooh, I bet the inevitable Halloween episode will be awesome." The original short story has a jack-o-lantern (well, a sinister pumpkin) for Moloch's sake! I want this image to happen on the show: http://srdunko.deviantart.c

There is baby cannibalism in McCarthy's "The Road" as well. Dude has a style…

God told me to go up into the mountains alone and he carved out these stone tablets full of laws for me to bring back. Also he took the form of a flaming plant. I NEED YOU TO BELIEVE ME, JOSHUA.

Dead dad pass…damn it, my heart's not in it.

Oh man, I needed this .

What, you didn't think the headline "America falls for moody, violent brute posing as Superman" was subtle?

(crazy eyes) "Heh heh heh…couldn't stop it now if I wanted to…"

"…and of course my little cousin Peanut…"

I've seen that sketch multiple times and just laughed out loud watching it again. Poor Jeff Goldblum had no idea what the fuck to do. Hysterical.

Independence Day: Olympus Has Fallen Again

Stop reminding me of Indiana Jones 4.

@sharculese:disqus Yikes, I went to that bar a couple of times during my time at UGA. Definitely the redneck frat bar. I seriously doubt if the whole place "in unison" yelled that out, but hey, who knows.

From this Newswire I am not quite certain on Dowd's opinion on the film. A bit too subtle. 

@avclub-0c333eba405e0d3fbf0142859f653b99:disqus The "Oberyn poisoned Tywin" theory is one of those fascinating little theories that makes total sense given the text, and that I would've never picked up on in a hundred re-reads.

@avclub-7a5a3fe4ae33de425d06ac4fe8d097d2:disqus I believe the correct term is "grey sunken cunt."

And the hit follow-up, "Fuck the Water, Bring Me Wine!"

Myrish swamp!