Run for it Marty

I knew he was coming back thanks to some jacknape in the comments from last week, but not when. Then tonight I go to start this episode 15 minutes late, so I can start it over and skip commercials, and right when I turn on the goddamn TV an image of Limehouse immediately comes up. Now I'm glad I got spoiled last week,

Glad I wasn't the first one who thought "Collateral" with the dog on the road.

You'll neeeever leave Haaaarlan aliiiiiive…

That was fucking hilarious. I love Art.


"Robert, are you smoking oxycontin in my motor coach?"

It's just last week I was thinking that he was awful subservient at the mine for a guy who's supposedly done all these things. But I can live with it - his criminal past was a loooong time ago, and being sheriff has given him back some of his old mojo.

He shot him with a Nerf gun.

Raylan and Wynn sitting side-by-side on that couch was an image for the ages.

@avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus I don't think I had ever seen him in anything before Lost (and I've never watched Angel) so his whole sneering act here caught me off guard.

Glad to see Constable Bob lose his shit on those two assholes. Never thought I could despise nice old Bernard from Lost so much.

Well isn't he also the same guy who used to run drugs and threw Waldo Truth out of a plane to fake his death? And shot the boss of said mob in the face?

"God DAMN it!"

A little difficult to reconcile Shelby's first appearance on the show in Season 2's "Cottonmouth" with legendary badass Drew. But I guess that's where the "if you pretend to be something long enough, you start to become it" speech from last episode comes in.

Civil rights is such a fad!

Colbert's spoof of it is one of the best things he's ever done. "Why do we have the moon, and Mars doesn't? Except for the two that it has?"

Came here straight after watching the ep to see if anyone else caught it. Spent some hours at that brewery in college.

Whole thread is hilarious (and accurate), but this one in particular made me chuckle.

The latter half of Season 3 was just gut-wrenching. The hotel virus stuff and watching Jack execute Chappelle actually made me feel ill.

Holy shit, I can picture Jean Smart on Parks so well. Good call.