Run for it Marty

That…doesn't seem to make any sense, unless one of them was still going to cross universes regardless. Hmm.

Yup, and that's how I think this'll all end. Peter grows up to be some great, influential man in the Redverse. Walter loses Peter over here, but moves on with the knowledge that Peter was cured and lives on in the Redverse. Olivia is never experimented on, and…well, who knows, but she doesn't meet Peter. Astrid

I keep thinking that it'll have some latent effects, but who knows. I've been wrong about most everything.

I think we just have to admit that this is all timey-wimey nonsense that makes zero sense. But somehow, I'm ok with that. It's time travel, fuck it.

@avclub-2b3a1f7f2570cbc812e662cae6f4c54e:disqus Right, except the Machine was only needed because September intervened (leading Walter to breach universes, causing the damage). There was some reason that Peter was "important" before that. I guess we'll never know. Though I assume being the son of Walter Bishop, he was

Exactly. Stating it directly like that was a mistake.

Hmm. I like this better. Still could have done without the dialogue "You were really talking about Michael, weren't you?" or whatever it was. Reeks too much of the final episodes of a show thing where "Hey, this thing that you thought you know all these years was totally different!"

Same tune.

So, what do people think of September's "The boy must live" referring to Michael, rather than Peter? Why would September say that to Walter at that point? Seems like an unnecessary and confusing bit of retcon, and kind of kills the hope I had that we'd finally learn why Peter was important enough for September to

As what, a ghost?

God, only Raylan could make that full denim outfit look stylish. He really is a Florida Gators fan. 

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Boyd actually references Star Wars last year. When Raylan comes in Boyd's bar in one of the earlier episodes Boyd says something along the lines in "I believe I detect a disturbance in the force."

Just when I thought God Goggins couldn't get any cooler, he starts quoting Asimov.

@avclub-f6555ba4e932df692bdead3171d5e677:disqus That's why Chris has been so depressed recently. He has yet to find his true calling.

@avclub-f6555ba4e932df692bdead3171d5e677:disqus That's why Chris has been so depressed recently. He has yet to find his true calling.



My favorite is still "Asterisk."

My favorite is still "Asterisk."