Run for it Marty

Wait, are you implying that "Thick as Mud" was a bad episode? Because I will fight you, sir.

Wait, are you implying that "Thick as Mud" was a bad episode? Because I will fight you, sir.

Jon Benjamin as the stressed-out city attorney was hilarious. "No miming!"

Jon Benjamin as the stressed-out city attorney was hilarious. "No miming!"

The local mock-NPR station is one of my favorite gags ever. I was laughing at the cold open so hard I was stomping the floor. The constant "filling in" thing kills me.

The local mock-NPR station is one of my favorite gags ever. I was laughing at the cold open so hard I was stomping the floor. The constant "filling in" thing kills me.

My uncle lives in Albany. It does indeed suck. But at least they've got that church that keeps making all those goddamn movies.

My uncle lives in Albany. It does indeed suck. But at least they've got that church that keeps making all those goddamn movies.

Olivia did go through the trials. Remember, she was the one "powering" Bell's universe-merger, which is why Walter had to shoot her.

Olivia did go through the trials. Remember, she was the one "powering" Bell's universe-merger, which is why Walter had to shoot her.

The way I understand it, this is still the same timeline from Season 4 - both Peters died, then he reappeared as a man. He and Olivia are the only ones who have memories of the Seasons 1-3 versions of reality (except the Observers I guess).

The way I understand it, this is still the same timeline from Season 4 - both Peters died, then he reappeared as a man. He and Olivia are the only ones who have memories of the Seasons 1-3 versions of reality (except the Observers I guess).

"Have you ever seen a grown man naked?" - The Governor

"Have you ever seen a grown man naked?" - The Governor

@ShrikeTheAvatar:disqus Amen. That moment when he tosses Cersei's letter made me go "FUCK YEAH" as much as any other moment in the series.

@ShrikeTheAvatar:disqus Amen. That moment when he tosses Cersei's letter made me go "FUCK YEAH" as much as any other moment in the series.

Blame the Season 4 timeline reset. I wasn't as vehemently against it as some people, but it never played out in a satisfactory way for me. It took me a second to stop freaking out over Olivia being so tender with Nina, until I remembered "Oh yeah, Nina raised Olivia in this version of events."

Blame the Season 4 timeline reset. I wasn't as vehemently against it as some people, but it never played out in a satisfactory way for me. It took me a second to stop freaking out over Olivia being so tender with Nina, until I remembered "Oh yeah, Nina raised Olivia in this version of events."

This was my favorite episode of the season, and possibly one of my favorite eps ever. The acting on display blew my mind. Peter gave me chills. I did a cheer when I realized what Peter had put in the briefcase, and having the beacons feature in this plan is awesome. Walter and Nina were heartbraking, and learning more

This was my favorite episode of the season, and possibly one of my favorite eps ever. The acting on display blew my mind. Peter gave me chills. I did a cheer when I realized what Peter had put in the briefcase, and having the beacons feature in this plan is awesome. Walter and Nina were heartbraking, and learning more