Run for it Marty

Not necessarily spaghetti and meatballs, but you know, not necessarily NOT spaghetti and meatballs…

I'm just so stoked for this episode.

Damn, I had forgotten about that too. Awesome.

And boiled leather as an appetizer.


You don't bury survivors!

The Red God must have his due.

I hoped we'd get that after last year's finale. Then again, it might have come across as too "Lost Season 5."

Just read a fan's theory that they've all been ambered up until this point. That would explain why they look the same age. I think that Boston gets ambered, then the Observers come and take over, then years later Ella (or someone else) frees our heroes to help get rid of them.


Indeed. She kills me every episode.

Step 1: Paragraphs.
Step 2: Capitalization.

Spot on - how the Nazgul look in that scene is basically how I picture them too.

Any ideas on what Tyrion's been whistling? Two episodes in a row and it's the same tune. The Bear and the Maiden Fair? The Rains of Castamere?

He's pulling off the calmness and syntax perfectly. Great casting there.

Wasn't there a rumor that he had been cast as Stannis awhile back?

I'm reeeally curious to see how they pull that off.

I'm not a big fan of how they're depicted either. They're supposed to be, like, white (hence "white walkers"), with reflective armor and helms and crystalline swords and other cool shit. I understand that might come off a little hokey visually, but in the show they're basically the Predator, down to the growling…

I really, really hope we get that background story of Azor Ahai.