
His American accent is soooo bad.

What is known about the second series? I thought it was known that some of the actors would return, but I read an article today where Chibnail wouldn't confirm anyone's return (those details can't stay secret for long). He said that he had the second series plotted out. He didn't mention a filming date. (He also said

It was difficult to be a part of the discussion since I had already seen the series and didn't want to inadvertently reveal anything, but I really enjoyed reading the recaps, Gwen, and reading the thoughts of the people watching it for the first time.

If you go back, I think you'll see the scenes with Joe in a different light. The conversation at the skate park reveals that he was able to leave the house without Ellie knowing or waking. The same conversation has Ellie saying she is supposed to suspect everyone and Joe implies something like "even me?" then talks

This was a particularly good episode of the series. I don't have anything to add, but I wanted to comment on a very good review. I enjoyed the exploration of the theme.

Moone Boy. It is a funny, adorable, but not condescending, coming-of-age sitcom. It reminds me of Pete & Pete and The Wonder Years with a little bit of Roseanne.

I rewatched The Thick of It recently, too. It would have been a good addition to the list. All the episodes and the deleted scenes are on Hulu.

I suggest trying the third series before writing it off completely. You can skip to it without a problem.

Is he still acting? Is he still McMancakes or whatever he's called on that TV show?

I didn't put those words in someone's mouth. It is easy to read between the lines. It is the intent of the comments here when gender is brought up. It happens over and over again here by sexist assholes.

That piss in a cup line was one of my favorite TV lines all year. I wish I could pull it off. I loved that whole scene between the two of them. Olivia Colman is just brilliant.

@avclub-100a2a14a7f2903d29db0dc435c0cfe8:disqus He didn't further the discussion on rape culture. If he wanted to bring it further, he would have admitted he was wrong instead of making some nebulous point in an essay about joke stealing and a non-swearing comic that turned out to be a rapist. The topic deserves more

@avclub-ffc65e983f9490e53bd8419504a79cf8:disqus Where are the jokes? The "arbiter of comedy." That wasn't funny at all. It is also a very stereotypical response. Why didn't Bradly respond that way to the other comments against Patton Oswalt? You and I both know why: because I dared bring up something feminist related.

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@avclub-817fde73cb35d91a2cb63520835563f9:disqus Right back at you, anonymous AVC commenter.

I would rather him listen, acknowledge and not try to speak about the complexity of rape culture until he has an understanding of it, instead of feeling like he should be the one to talk about it and be listened to because as a white male that is the privelege has been given all his life. Joke stealing is nothing like

He is lauded by this page and his fans as having a keen, insightful view of humanity, but I don't see that. I am not going to join in on the parades you are throwing for this guy for something as basic as recognizing one's own harmful views of women. It isn't about "timeframes." It is about sophomoric essays that are

Those feminist be humorless harpies, amirite?

I really don't find these "amazing" at all, which fits with the fact that he just discovered that rape culture is real.

Consider those extra two episodes room for exploration of characters and emotions.