
I like the painting of the cliffs in the Latimer home and the photos of the same subject in Hardy's hotel room. They have completely different meanings in both settings with additional layers of meaning to the characters.

Bring this up again at the end of the series. I want to discuss this, but I really don't want to talk about the reveal at all since even the slightest comment can have a spoilery influence.

It is airing on BBC America.

The show is so much more than the whodunnit, but if you are already so annoyed with the show, I doubt your mind will change.

@avclub-1ef83ff6aceb6847da6c91867e20611b:disqus Darvill doesn't have a flashy part, but it is a solid supporting role. He is in a good number of scenes and interacts with pretty much all the major characters. I only knew him from Doctor Who and I liked him even more after seeing him in Broadchurch.

I had the very same thought, but I watched it for the actors and found it was different from the all the other child murder shows. The death isn't just treated as a mystery to be solved. The grief of the family and all the resulting emotions are given time and are explored. There is a lot empathy and a beautiful

There are many reasons to watch and I would put characterizations and performances at the top. I really like that the effects of the central tragedy on the family and town are explored instead of just following the investigation. The cinematography and the setting are wonderful, too. That doesn't slight the mystery.

@avclub-b1930b61fe9011a84ab4eb80af65ec45:disqus I am under the impression that the showrunner has more control over the character than anyone, including the actor who has minor influence over the character creation. Moffat and probably no other showrunner auditioned any women for the role of the Doctor, despite the

@avclub-cd01e5786d65f27654ca570edef28c69:disqus I care about the quality of the show and the characterization, too.* I just don't think the casting of woman and/or a POC has to be justified more so than the casting of a while man has to be justified. In the context of Doctor Who, there are no plot or character

@avclub-cd01e5786d65f27654ca570edef28c69:disqus There is no expense, no nonsense and no discontinuity. There is no indiciation of tokenism because no women or minorities (apart from this vague reference in this article) were known to have been auditioned. No women were auditioned for this latest Doctor and I seriously

@avclub-c254eaf30893f49706260c2d22fe6148:disqus I'm not sure what you are asking. It has been established that Time Lords can regenerate into different genders, race and even non-human forms. The control of the regeneration has been indicated to vary but with no firm rules. This Doctor hasn't stated that he will

Plus, even now interracial relationships and LGBT characters aren't fully accepted by and are unpopular with some audiences and RTD had those relationships, characters and moments in 2005.  

The Doctor hasn't self-identified as male. He was cast a male due a sexist, racist casting process.

You are missing the point. They are both essentially the same roles that can be fulfilled by a man or a woman in succession. Moffat created a false equivalency on many levels. That is one of aspect of it.

There will always be an excuse to be found to not cast a female Doctor.

He has always been a white guy because he has always been cast as a white guy. It isn't inherent to the character, as mentioned multiple times in canon. It is inherent to the racist, sexist casting process.

Chiwetel Ejiafor, too. He has Oscar buzz for his upcoming movie. Both are too big for the role. It is almost insulting in a way that they keep getting mentioned.

Does sexy have two completely opposite meanings?

I have seen POC mentioned for the role other than black men, including Asian women.

The next three people in line to take the Queen's real role are men.
Men have played queens on stage for quite a while and before women ever did.
Moffat is a condescending prick.