
Teri Garr has something to say about this in her Random Roles:

This is kind of a non-story. It is a pretty common request for shows I go to. People still take photos.

Too far.

If someone told me this was a Grizzly Bear collaboration, I would almost believe them.

Thanks for the 'hello.'

I don't see it.

An upbeat gospel version of "I'll Fly Away." When I went to church as a kid, it was my favorite gospel song and thought then that it should be played at my funeral. I've left religion behind and it is probably a standard funeral song, but it is still my answer. Plus, I connect to songs that are a mix of sadness and

Hyperbole belittles words; it belittles experiences. Rape shouldn't be the go-to for having something bad happen to you. His family was not raped. Don't use rape to describe things that aren't rape. You don't "mostly get that" at all. "Thinking, rational people" should get it.

You missed the big glaring point here.

You honestly don't get the backlash of comparing something that is not rape to rape?

"Not on these boards"?

@avclub-5751693536add9cb4b813590b0fedbf9:disqus And an even more riveting tail-removal sequence.

I think Scott Bakula is aces and, from all accounts, he sounds like a really nice person, but that little girl crush from Quantum Leap was left in childhood. I loved seeing him pop up on Chuck. Great casting (despite not really looking like his tv children).

I'm pretty sure I had a crush on Scott Bakula when I watched Quantum Leap as a little girl.  That was probably the first.

I read the Longmire blurb with Sam Elliot's voice in my head.

I was supposed to go to one of the springs today for a picnic, but a few days ago I got drunk and fell and injured some ribs.

'Cause sex is just life and all people are alive, amirite, brah?

That "what did she expect?" phrase is really something you want to avoid when discussing unwanted sexual attention toward a woman.

It is just a series of sad, sad "solos."