
With what frequency is AVC reviewing the episodes?

He acts from his penis, little known fact.

Why would anyone want that?

It is only distracting to me when multiple celebrities contribute to a documentary. When I watched Burns' doc on the national parks, I would hear celebrities reading letters. etc and would spend time connecting the voice to a name instead of listening to the words.

@avclub-f5a708494dac82a9bf78263ef72307b2:disqus He was not a person of color. He was born to two Spaniards. I thought he had immigrated as a child, but apparently he was born in Mexico. This doesn't change the fact that he was not a person of color, which is the central issue. Considering the ambiguity of the meaning

Gently aroused.

@avclub-e8be17bec1fb60beb19823716f4a8311:disqus Feel free to self-identify however you want, but [i]generally[/i] those opportunities are limited to groups you were conceived into or those that have open membership.

I wonder what it would be like to hang out with Bill Pullman.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus He grew up in Mexico and identified as a Mexican, but he was not Latino. He was a child of two Spaniards.

Except, Montallban, as a child of Spanish immigrants to Mexico, was a white European.


The series with Donna is my favorite (though I love Nine very much).

I don't think it is rose-tinted glasses. Even with the worst weekly plots, there was still character development and substance. Something was being said about the Doctor, or the companion or the universe.I take that over flash and better production any day.

I listened to the Midnight Organ Fight vinyl reissue. I'm not in the same headspace where the album resonated so strongly before and I now connect more with the rays of optimism in the next album, but it is still one of my favorite complete albums. This may be some pretentious bullshit, but the experience of listening

Any news on the new shows that Dan Harmon is developing? I read that Adult Swim picked up one. From sporadically listening to his podcasts, it seems like he never got the FOX pilot written, but I think he turned in the CBS one.

What are his podcasts like? What type of format and guests?

Lauren Lapkus and especially Jessica St. Clair were hilarious. I was ugly laugh-crying at one point while listening to this today in my car. I think it was by the time Wompler "cue(d) the music" ("…at one point I thought that we might be able to be friends and then I realized: nope." "My wife!" "… you know what,

Hey, guys: podcasts.

Is this a theme week?

Now you are putting fake-out Community notifications on Twitter, @theavclub:twitter ? Not cool, not cool.