
I watched Happy Endings and Doctor Who. And Roman Holiday after seeing it had been added to Netflix Instant.

You are "that guy" and you should hate it. Stop trying to move your lawn under other people's feet.

Other than River Song, I think the complaint reads as being more against flirtiness than sexiness. Pretty much every new companion has kissed the Doctor. Looking beyond the companions, so many people fell in love with,/flirted with/kissed/married/had sex with the Doctor (Madame de Pompadour, the nurse matron, Lynda

@dtotheP You sure showed me. Dropping a word when typing a mirrored comment in a comment section has surely put an end to the television writing career I never wanted.

Donna was the best Ten season.

If I were ever to write an episode of Doctor Who, you could tell it was me because the episode would take place on Easter Island and the companion would keep losing Eleven among the statues and and start talking to one as if it were him.

Slop yobs is even funnier.

I like reading the yearly lists, but I've never been motivated to brave the crowds (10 people and you're nearly elbows to nuts at the tiny local shop) or have an interest in collecting 7", demos or reissues on peppermint swirl vinyl, but I need Midnight Organ Fight.

"Ridiculously super hot"? Him? No. I'll give you the charm and the humour, but that isn't the point, is it?

But, why? Of all men to try to objectify in sort of wink-wink way to balance out all the comments about women here, do people pick him? Did his role as Bane really get people off? Or was it the back acne and the shortness that really did it?

"Ask Whales 'Who are…'the ladies?''"

I've seen the jokes. I don't know why Tom Hardy of all people are the subject of them.

I missed the memo that Tom Hardy is especially desirable among "the ladies." Is this something that is just going on here?

I don't think this is controversial. I do like this season a lot more than last, though, even with the problems with the characters. The show has settled into a rut, but it isn't a bad rut; it's a watchable rut.

Watching the hand puppet gag, I wondered if that was the thing that set Chevy Chases off or if there are even more awful race-centered gags ahead.

I'm kind of interested in this show now.

Is Gilmore Girls streaming anywhere?

@avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus Ok, here's what I really wanted to say: it's sad that you judge these "middle-aged" women for choosing to read an easily accessible erotic book in a society that doesn't cater to women's sexuality and writes off women beyond a certain age as asexual and often makes

I remember Billy Idol's "Cradle of Love" being considered risque when I was a kid. My end of the street didn't have cable when I was young and my best friend's did. I remember being at her house and her mom wouldn't let her watch Paula Adbul's "Cold Hearted Snake."

I hope this doesn't change the show much. I like Raising Hope. It is a fairly consistant show that makes me happy to watch.