
IDK. I think it's pretty sad that you go around telling middle-aged women your middle name on a regular basis.

- Underwood is an idiot. Having naked pics of a reporter on his phone would be a huge scandal if ever discovered. Worse for him than Zoe.

I noticed the change when they left. I came back to this season because Daniels came back, too. Lieberstein as showrunner became Michael's Toby to me.

I disagree. There are noticeable and abrupt changes in plot structure, editing, lines of dialogue, pacing, the look of the show and the characterizations this season that go beyond just "aging" of the show. There are moments while watching the show that feel so obviously wrong. Had Harmon stayed as showrunner, I think

It isn't just the name. Did you see the categories they came up with?

Also, Dear Netflix: please get a better selection of classic films. Be TCM's online streaming arm and I will love you forever.

How can such an awesome service that has changed the way I consume media be run by such unimaginative boneheads?

Somebody's been watching Dancing on the Edge.

No. The last one I bought was at a show for a local band a few years ago. Not an issue now as even the localest of local bands sell their mp3s online.

I don't really see it fitting in with the regular tv coverage here.

Avonlea! Not Anne of Avonlea.

Tell me about this rumor.

Chris Carter told some entomologists this weekend that he never had the intention of filming a 2012 XF movie.

I'm curious why she is signing up for a role as the lead an hour-long network drama that will have a strong FBI plot and, presumably, shoot in the States. I'd like to think that the script, writers and producers are that just that incredible. I have doubts.

@SisterMaryFrancis:disqus Having never experienced the oppression that women face, how can you say that your thick-skinned response to loaded words aren't due to the fact that you are a guy? You can't.

So many other sources are covering The Onion's tweet and apology, but The AV Club isn't. I don't even see any articles about the awards show in the news wire that would require AVC to obliquely refer to it either.

@SisterMaryFrancis:disqus Do you understand the victim blaming in your comment? Between the lines, you are saying that women just need to be less sensitive to a word, because you, as a man, are. DIck doesn't equal cunt. Look at the long history and current instances of suppression of women as context. It isn't hard to

Unlike the party that is an OB/GYN visit?

Only pussies censor "vaginas."

One on my list is the teamster's sub from 30 Rock. I love a good sandwich and since I gave up meat (again), I'm really jonesing for the really excellent ones I used to create.