
I was in high school at the same time as you, though on the other side of the Atlantic so it wasn't on the radio and we had to source all of this stuff from weird record shops (which still existed back then… oh the good old days). Like you, pop punk has a really special place in my heart even though it doesn't exactly


I disagree actually (though your condensed version is great). I think Jon's speech works better in the books because you have his internal monologue to let the reader know that there's a grain of truth in his complaints to Mance, but even there I always found it hard to believe that Mance would trust Jon so quickly.

Maybe Anglo-Irish? Though that term is a little tainted these days. I think it's fair to give the Brits at least a partial claim to it, much as we'd like to say it's all Irish - no Irish network would touch it with a bargepole, after all, so it wouldn't have seen the light of day were it not for Channel 4.

Maybe Anglo-Irish? Though that term is a little tainted these days. I think it's fair to give the Brits at least a partial claim to it, much as we'd like to say it's all Irish - no Irish network would touch it with a bargepole, after all, so it wouldn't have seen the light of day were it not for Channel 4.

I think you'll find it would be an ecumenical matter.

I think you'll find it would be an ecumenical matter.

For once I actually felt like the BBC gave Taylor the billing and respect she deserved, and most of the UK print media have been calling her the best female boxer on the planet (even the Torygraph, after apologising for 'accidentally' calling her British). What bugged me more was Brian bloody Moore wondering on

For once I actually felt like the BBC gave Taylor the billing and respect she deserved, and most of the UK print media have been calling her the best female boxer on the planet (even the Torygraph, after apologising for 'accidentally' calling her British). What bugged me more was Brian bloody Moore wondering on

That was awesome!! I read this morning that 7 out of the 8 runners achieved personal bests in that race. Rudisha is an incredible athlete; he deserves the same level of attention as Bolt and then some (not criticising Bolt, whose antics I find totally entertaining, but rather the media).

That was awesome!! I read this morning that 7 out of the 8 runners achieved personal bests in that race. Rudisha is an incredible athlete; he deserves the same level of attention as Bolt and then some (not criticising Bolt, whose antics I find totally entertaining, but rather the media).

I would like to have seen more focus on Shields as well, but the Adams and Taylor love-in was just the best. Adams seems like a wonderful girl and role model. As for Katie, well, I wasn't the only Irish person wiping tears from my eyes after the national anthem. Obviously I'm biased because Katie is Our National Hero,

I would like to have seen more focus on Shields as well, but the Adams and Taylor love-in was just the best. Adams seems like a wonderful girl and role model. As for Katie, well, I wasn't the only Irish person wiping tears from my eyes after the national anthem. Obviously I'm biased because Katie is Our National Hero,

I caught some of the horsey ballet earlier - most hilarious thing I've seen in ages. Well worth a watch!

I caught some of the horsey ballet earlier - most hilarious thing I've seen in ages. Well worth a watch!

Update: GOLD FOR KATIE TAYLOR!! What a legend.

Update: GOLD FOR KATIE TAYLOR!! What a legend.

We actually have 5, which doesn't seem like a lot but equals our best tally ever (1956). One in horse jumping (ahem), and 4 in boxing - it's only the colours that have yet to be determined. The three men are all guaranteed at least a bronze, and Katie Taylor, Ireland's Hero and/or Sweetheart, fights for gold today. If

We actually have 5, which doesn't seem like a lot but equals our best tally ever (1956). One in horse jumping (ahem), and 4 in boxing - it's only the colours that have yet to be determined. The three men are all guaranteed at least a bronze, and Katie Taylor, Ireland's Hero and/or Sweetheart, fights for gold today. If