Pepsi Sr

Isn't that why you prefer to be taken to Burger King. Sit up straight.

Jr., we have discussed what a poor influence rock music is. Why just yesterday you said you don't listen to music at all. We need to have a long discussion.

I think you are missing how significant Mr. Kaufman was to comedy. You of all people shoud understand how anti-comedy works.

Jr., it is not proper form to criticize someone because of their appearance.

Jr., have you talked to Todd about this? Or are you making abitrary assumptions again?

Since Duff is not a real beverage and only exists in a cartoon television program, I would say you are correct. I have my hopes up, but afraid you will only disappoint me more.

Violence never begats anything more than more violence. Why would you even consider such a thing?

Your mother and I had hoped the piano lessons would have increased your appreciation of music. It's a shame that money wasn't better spent on your sister Diet Pepsi.

Jr., the death of innocent people is never funny. Also, I'd prefer you didn't accuse Mr. West of cheating on his wife. You have never met the man, and thus cannot make such a heinous statement. I'm watching you closely.

Considering the type of movies Mr. Waters makes, I would consider that an odd fact as well. It's best that you don't engage in that type of activity.

Jr., I don't think you can make that assumption without the facts to back it up. Please make sure all your research is in order and show your work.

That is more sacrilegious than your blasphemy above. Get to your room!

How many times have I told you not to take the Lord's name in vain? Your Mother and I are very disappointed.

Now, Jr., the good people of Michigan have fallen on some hard tmes lately. Please show some respect. Don't forget your cousin Faygo is from Michigan.

Pepsi time!