Ugly Truth

Great movie.  Wanted to see if there was insightful commentary here and was let down.  Favorite thing was the vividly depicted settings.  If it wasn't that the plot was a little too contrived at times (I still enjoyed it, it was just contrived) this would be my favorite cartoon EVAR.


Right.  Horses are delicious.  The ban was lifted a few months ago on slaughtering them for food within the US and I'm keeping my eye open at upper-end grocery stores.

It was pretty good.  Better than the one where Pierce's dad died.  Not in the same league as Remedial Chaos Theory or the Christmas episode.  I'd say it was in the middle of the pack for Season 3.

It wasn't Irish themed, it was a take on nerdy board games like "Settlers of Catan."

Yeah, I wasn't trying to be ironic.  It was over-the-top and maybe jingo-istic but I basically agreed with the take and thought it was the most memorable part of the movie.  That and how the weather in the background changed drastically from scene to scene.

It wasn't bad, but it felt like a made-for-TV movie, including a clunky take on a hot issue.

Dharma sucked but Greg was all kinds of awesome.

Jack Bauer character still kicks ass and Keifer Sutherland is a good actor, so I'm willing to believe it would be a very good cheesy action movie.

Check AV club's Ebay account, basically A reviews are sold to the highest bidder.

Well if you didn't finish ME2, ME3 is probably not for you.

Mass Effect 2 was a better game than Mass Effect 1 overall, but there were definitely elements to Mass Effect 1 that I preferred - there was more rambling and less going straight from action to action, and you could modify your stats and weapons, which gave the game a little more of the feel of an RPG than an action

Be fair.  You really think comics in gray and brown wouldn't sell?

Subtlety removed? The rats with green eyes and blue ears are changed to rats with normal eyes and normal ears.  Something's been removed but I wouldn't say the subtlety.

AV Club should ban anybody who's posted more than 5 times in this thread.

Huh, well actually at the end there was a Benny Hill chase sequence, with me, her, and some strippers dressed as nuns!


Audition, by Takashi Miike.  Really.  I had no idea what the movie was about, although I had heard "Dead or Alive " was a "fun" movie and knew it was from the same director.  For the first half I was embarrassed about choosing a Japanese romantic comedy, like maybe I was giving the impression I was the sort of person

At the time she was "The Girl From Mad Men," right?  The Community and Mad Men crossover is probably about 100%.

I guess it depends how much you could sell it for?