I Think I Lost My Platypus

This sounds so bad I want to see it….so that I can knowledgeably discuss "late period Sandler"

I like how on Spotify, the song "I Am A God" lists under artist: "Kanye West, God"

I always confuse Love the One You're With with the final celebration song in Return of the Jedi.  I guess Ewoks sound like Stephen Stills?    http://www.youtube.com/watc…

I also have a strange singular love for a Prong song, considering I've never owned an album of theirs.  Check out Innocence Gone, off Rude Awakening, it's really freakin' catchy:  http://youtu.be/xGJGsaigY6s

God I'm sick of Sean O'Neal's reviews.  What the hell happened to the AVClub?