Leopold Bloom

Given how conclusive the ending is, I don't know how you'd make a post-ROTJ Star Wars film good, so I kinda hope it's not that. I also hope they get someone more interesting than Gore Verbinski to direct, as this seems like something they'd give to him based on his previous experience making lots of money with big

Blood Meridian. The passages of overt violence are pretty unsettling, but touches like the judge's enslavement of the idiot or the bar patrons' laughter when they find out they've been manipulated into lynching an innocent priest make it downright terrifying. It also doesn't help to find out after you've read it that

Blood Meridian. The passages of overt violence are pretty unsettling, but touches like the judge's enslavement of the idiot or the bar patrons' laughter when they find out they've been manipulated into lynching an innocent priest make it downright terrifying. It also doesn't help to find out after you've read it that